It takes a lot of courage to face your fears and believe that you are capable of starting or pursuing something new.
The fear of failure and judgement can be so loud in our minds that it's often easier to ignore our dreams.
If you are over 30 (but still young at heart), you’ve probably heard someone say that trying something new is too risky and not worth stepping out of your comfort zone.
Coming from a culture where the only acceptable career paths were doctor, lawyer, engineer, or failure, I know all too well the pressure to please my parents. I felt I had no choice but to follow their expectations, believing I wouldn't make enough money to survive if I chose a different path.
Now, at 41, I no longer need validation or acceptance from my parents because the work I do makes a difference in a way that matters to me. Teaching a child to manage anxiety through breath work and yoga was the highlight of my week. What was your highlight?
I did however get this message from my dad, which was a pleasant surprise. In the end all that matters is that we are actually happy (even though they wish I was married, had kids etc etc)
While ensuring everyone has food on the table (as a Woolies girl) is fulfilling, my heart longs for something more. Should I give up on my dreams?
Absolutely not. I am the kind of person who never gives up.
What about you? I’m not suggesting you need to overhaul your entire life (unless you're ready for it, in which case I’m super excited for you), but what is one thing you think about every night that you wish you could invest some time into?
Society tells us to grow up, get married, have kids, make money, and then make more money for a bigger house or another holiday. These holidays provide a brief escape, but then it's back to the same routine for another year.
It's a fine way to live, but let me ask you this: What is missing in your life? Is it happiness, peace, true love, contentment, adventure, laughter, or fulfilment?
If any of these things are missing and you want to add them to your life, I would love to support you in the 6-week group coaching program commencing on the 12th of August.
In 'The Heal Program' we will use tools such as breath work, journaling, emotional regulation, and physical movement to remove fears and replace them with confidence to follow your heart and live life on your terms.
There will be weekly calls via zoom, and loads of additional support via a private facebook group. As a group, there are only 8 spots available so everyone is kindly supported.
If you are ready to dedicate the next 6 weeks to transforming your life from self judging to feeling confident from within I invite you to sign up at and welcome queries via email
Until next week take care, back yourself and remember to lead with confidence.