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Self Love is Such a Beautiful Gift

Updated: Nov 26, 2020

Self love has never been a natural thing for me. As the oldest child in the family I always felt pressure to put others before myself. By the time it got to taking care of myself I was tired and had no energy to do anything special for me

Self love has never been a natural thing for me. As the oldest child in the family I always felt pressure to put others before myself. By the time it got to taking care of myself I was tired and had no energy to do anything special for me

It took me a long time to realise that taking care of myself was IMPORTANT and NOT SELFISH. Initially I would feel guilty for saying no to helping others and then would quickly call them back to say, ok sure, I will do what you want no matter how it made me feel or whether I had the time to.

Trying to be a superhero for my family and in romantic relationships eventually led to feelings of resentment and blame. Why was I the only one constantly giving my time and energy to others, with very little love and support in return?

Eventually I had to let go of trying to please others and put myself first, otherwise my mental, physical and emotional health would continue to suffer. It wasn't easy at first, because people were not used to me saying NO or having plans of my own.

As I slowly started to live life on my terms, with my HAPPINESS in mind, I noticed that the same people started to respect me more for standing up for myself. I was finally free and had a diary full of self love appointments which included massages, time at the beach, yoga classes and time to just ponder or do nothing.

It was totally up to me how I planned my day and what I did, and I LOVED IT. I had taken back my power and had given myself the beautiful gift of SELF LOVE.

A daily practise of self love means:

- I am more confident and know my self worth

- I have happier relationships,

- I am present when I am with others (because I am no longer wishing I was elsewhere doing something just for me)

- I am able to do things from a place of LOVE rather than obligation

- I no longer feel guilty for saying NO to something that doesn’t suit me

- I have created healthy boundaries with others

- I treasure me time and take better care of myself

- I no longer feel the need to be a superhero

- And I smile a lot more

Do you feel like you are constantly wearing a superhero cape, and never have enough time for yourself? And are you trying to pour from an empty cup?

If you are ready to make self love a part of your life and to boost your self confidence, I invite you to book a free 45 minute consultation with me so I can empower you to make changes that will make you happy and live your best life.

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